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  • Peak Energy’s Vision for Scaling Sodium Ion Chemistry for Grid Storage - BATTERY POWER NEWS | Now is the time for sodium ion chemistry, says Landon Mossburg, CEO and cofounder of Peak Energy. Mossburg says sodium ion batteries are the fundamental building block for energy storage systems of the future. more..
  • Meng Publishes Update on Solid-State Anode-Free Sodium-Ion Batteries - BATTERY POWER NEWS | Last week, work from the lab of Shirley Meng, University of Chicago, in collaboration with researchers from the University of California San Diego, was published in Nature Energy. Battery Power reported the bulk of this work earlier this spring after Meng first shared results at the International Battery Seminar and Exhibit. more..
  • Gain of Function for Grid Storage Batteries: Carbon Capture - BATTERY POWER NEWS | A group of scientists working at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has reported major advances in the area of grid storage batteries. The key differentiator for these batteries is that instead of only storing energy for use when renewable sources are insufficient, they have an extra trick—they also capture and fix… more..
  • Follow the Money: Battery Funding Rounds for New Anodes, Sodium-Ion Chemistry, Recycling, More - BATTERY POWER ONLINE | Over the past 30 days, investments in the battery industry have rewarded innovative anodes, recycling technologies, inverter-free batteries, sodium-ion chemistry, and Chinese developers of the EV production stack. Here's the list.  more..
  • Software’s Moment: As Battery Technologies Mature, AI Steps In - BATTERY POWER INSIGHTS | The battery market is about ten years old, and while in-house software solutions have carried battery R&D so far, the market is now at a tipping point for new software innovations that will change lithium ion battery research and applications, contends Tyler Lancaster, partner at VC firm Energize Capital. more..
  • Special Circumstances: How Specialty Pack Startups Can Manage Market Shifts  - BATTERY POWER INSIGHTS | The steady increase in start-ups in the specialty pack manufacturing space is a direct response to not only a wider adoption and adaptation of batteries for an ever-expanding set of applications, but nuanced consumer needs. As such, startups need to consider several key factors when responding to market demands to ensure… more..
  • Cathode Progress: Small Additions of p-Group Elements Improve Low-Cost Iron-Based Materials - BATTERY POWER NEWS | A group from Hokkaido University, Tohoku University, and Nagoya Institute of Technology has reported a step improvement in the attributes of low-cost, iron-based cathode materials for use in lithium-ion batteries. more..
  • Tipping Point For U.S. Battery Production Equipment - BATTERY POWER INSIGHTS | Currently, the U.S. relies on international markets for the processing of most lithium-battery raw materials. These include critical minerals to produce battery components such as cathodes, anodes, and electrolytes. While clear advances have been made to manufacture these batteries domestically in the US, the ability to mine and process the critical… more..

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Industry Spotlight

How to Keep your Lithium-ion Gigafactory Consistently Dry
What’s more important than ensuring a safe, consistent manufacturing environment? Whether you struggle with fluctuating moisture loads or if you’re wondering how increased humidity levels could be impacting battery life and quality – consistent, ultra-low dew point levels are only achieved by the right dehumidification system.

Learn more and download our podcast here.

Industry Spotlight

Powerful, Fast and Compact Leak Detector
The ASM 306 S sniffer leak detector is designed for fast and repeatable measurements, whether helium or hydrogen is used as tracer gas. It offers the highest testing reliability to increase productivity and quality levels and has a fast recovery time.